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1. Convert 11-digit phone numbers to 10-digit phone numbers pursuant to regulation by Ministry of Information and Commnunications

2. Fix bugs

1. Handle login and convert 11-digit phone numbers to 10-digit phone numbers pursuant to regulation by Ministry of Information and Commnunications
Details of change: 
According to regulation on converting sufixes of phone numbers by Ministry of Information and Communications, as of RC21 the program will add Convert phone number feature, which supports the Manager in converting all phone numbers from 11 digits to 10 digits (phone numbers of Guests, Suppliers) easily and quickly.
Instruction steps:
Convert phone numbers of guests and suppliers

  • The program add Convert phone number feature, click to convert phone numbers of all guests/suppliers.
  • Select Convert.

  • Then all 11-digit phone numbers of the suppliers and guests will be converted into 10-digit ones.

  • Now all 11-digit phone numbers of the suppliers and guests are converted into 10-digit ones.

Convert staff's phone numbers on Web/PC/POS/Tablet/Mobile
  • When the manager/staff logs in and uses software/apps for Sale, Manager, Kitchen/Bar, if their phone number has 11 digits the program will show a notification on converting phone number.
  • Click OK to proceed with converting according to regulation by Ministry of Information and Communications.

After converting, the program allows those staff to log in and use both 11-digit and 10-digit phone numbers by 15/11/2018. For example, the phone number 01662246128 is used to log in, the program allows the staff to log in with both 01662246128 and 0362246128.
  • As of 15/11/2018, phone users can only use their new 10-digit phone numbers. Therefore, the manager needs to convert before this day for smooth operation.
