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Home > Sale > Cashier > Change order > Change table

Change table

1. Purpose
Help the cashier to change table for the guest
2. Instruction steps
To change table for the guest, the cashier can follow either of these alternatives:
Alternative 1: On Order screen
1. Click the icon  on the order which requires changing table. Select Change table.

2. Check the table which the guest requests to switch to.

3. Click OK.
Alternative 2: On the order of the guest who wants to change table
1. Click the icon  on the order of the guest who wants to change table.

2. Click the icon to search table on the layout of the restaurant.
3. Uncheck the table which the guest is sitting and check the new table which is requested by the guest.

3. Note
1. It is possible to change table for the guest by
    • On Layout screen, click the table of the guest who requests to change table.
    • Click the icon , select Change table.

