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Hand over shift

1. Purpose
Help the cashier to perform the following tasks upon closing shift: Check shift sales and Checking payment and Handover of drawer upon closing shift.
. Fields
2.1. Check shift sales
Instruction steps
1. Click the icon \Shift report.

2. Click More details to check corresponding payment.
3. Click View sales by item if you want to see sales in the shift by sold items.

2.2. Shift handover
Instruction steps
1. Logout. Click Yes on closing shift screen.

2. Check the content to be printed on the shift report upon closing shift in Printer settings.

3. Click Print.

  • Check Print details of unpaid orders to show unpaid orders on the shift handover minutes.
  • If you want to show face value on the shift handover minutes, check Print checking details.
  • Check Print pay-in details in shift to show pay-ins in shift on the shift handover minutes.
  • Check Print pay-out details in shift to show pay-ins in shift on the shift handover minutes.
  • Check Print details of payments via bank card, e-wallet to show information on bank cards, e-wallets on the shift handover minutes.
  • Check Print list of indebted guests to show indebted guests on the shift handover minutes.
4. Click Close shift.


