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Buy m offer n

1. Purpose
The restaurant can set Offer a free item if the guest buys a specified item or any item in a specified menu category.
2. Instruction steps
To set Buy m offer n program, follow these steps:
1. Select Promotion.
2. Select Promotion program tab.
3. Click Add. Select Buy m offer n.

4. Enter General information and Applicable time of the promotion program.

    • Select Apply to Card class if the restaurant enters information on card class upon entry of guest
    • Select Apply to Guest category if the restaurant enters Guest category.
5. Enter applicable conditions for Item.
a. If buying a specified item: Check Specific item.

b. If buying any item in a menu category: Check Menu category.

6. Click the icon  in Free item to select a free item for guests.
7. Select a free item for guests in the following cases:
Offer a specified item
(E.g.: offer 1 Cocacola free).

Offer one of listed items
(E.g.: offer 1 optional drink: 1 Cocacola or 1 Pepsi or 1 Diet Pepsi)

Offer multiple items
(E.g.: Offer 1 Cocacola and 1 pizza Chicken Fajitas small size).

