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Home > Sale > Menu management > Create menu from a menu of the other restaurant in the chain

Create menu from a menu of the other restaurant in the chain

1. Purpose
To quickly create menu by copying menu of the other restaurant in the chain. It is applicable when the restaurant has more than one establishment and menu of the restaurants in the chain is the same.
2. Instruction steps
To create menu from a menu of the other restaurant, follow these steps:
1. Click Menu\Copy menu.
2. Select Restaurant, Item type and Menu category to copy.
3. Click Search.

4. Check the items to select a proper menu for the restaurant.
5. Change price of the items in the menu (if necessary).
6. Click Select.
4. Note
  • If it is not a restaurant chain, this function cannot be seen. 
  • You can update menu by exporting menu to Excel file, update your data and then re-import it. 
