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Home > Other settings > Printer settings for cashier & kitchen/bar > Customize bill or order template

Customize bill or order template

1. Purpose
To select a bill template for Cashier to print, to set template custom of bill or order to be printed in Kitchen/Bar.
2. Steps
Alternative 1: Customize on Sale apps for PC/POS.
1. Click the icon  and select Settings.

2. Select Printer and template
, and then click Edit.
3. On Printer and template settings for Cashier, click Template settings.

4. Customize general information:

5. Customize bill content:

  • Check Use draft bill, the software will display "Print draft bill" function on Order screen.
  • Uncheck Use draft bill, the software will display "Print bill" function on Order screen.
  • Click Reload if you want to print the latest bill template.
Option 2: Use CUKCUK.VN Report Manager tool.
1. Open the tool.
  • Open the folder MISAJSC/CUKCUK/BIN.
  • Click on CUKCUK.VN Report Manager.

2. Connect to the sever.
  • Click Kết nối máy chủ.
  • In Máy chủ SQL field, select .\MISACUKCUKVN.
  • In Dữ liệu field, insert CUKCUK.VN_data name. For example: CUKCUK.VN_baotrang.

  • Click ĐỒNG Ý (OK).
3. Edit bill template.
  • Click the icon  on the bill template you want to edit.
  • Edit the bill template.
Example 1: You want to change the position between Waitstaff and Cashier, please follow these steps:

Example 2: You want to extend Thành tiền (Amount) column, please follow these steps:

Example 3: Change
Ngày (Date) into Ngày HĐ (Bill date), please follow these steps:

4. Save the customized bill templated.
  • Press Ctrl + S.
  • Rename and browse a destination to save the customized bill template.

5. Select the customized bill template to use.
  • On CUKCUK Sale software on PC/POS, on Printer and Tempate settings for Cashier, click Template settings.
  • Click Select other template, browse the destination where the customized bill template is saved.

  • Click OK.
  • Customized template will be shown as follows:

  • In addition to Cashier user, Admin or Manager user can customize bill template.
