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Inventory report

1. Purpose
The manager can track and control receipt, issue and inventory both in quantity and in value, so he/she can balance and prepare proper inventory.

2. Instruction steps

To view general report on receipt - issue - inventory, follow these steps:
1. Select Report\Storehouse, default to display General report on receipt - issue - inventory.

2. If you want to view other report

    • Click Select report.
    • Select report and information to view, click OK.

❖ View list of inventory reports:

Report name



General report on receipt - issue - inventory

The manager can track quantity and value of ingredients in period.

 2  Ingredient issue by purposes The manager can know the status and reason for stock issue for each ingredient.
 3 Ingredient inventory by storehouse  The manager can track inventory by each storehouse so that he/she can prepare ingredients timely.
 4 Ingredient inventory by expiry date The manager can know which ingredient is going to be expired in order to handle timely.


Ingredient inventory under minimum level

The manager can know which ingredient has inventory under minimum level in order to make purchase plan timely.

