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Home > Sale > Menu management > Enter menu > Selling price is the price after tax > Add other items to menu

Add other items to menu

1. Purpose

The restaurant can enter items which are not food or drink such as wet towel, cigarette
2. Instruction steps
To enter items which are not food or drink, follow these steps:
1. Go to Menu, click Add.

2. Select type: Other. Enter information on General information tab.

      • If you check Not display on menu the item will not be displayed on waitstaff/cashier's order screen.
      • Để ảnh đại diện món hiển thị được đẹp mắt, kích thước ảnh cần đảm bảo tỉ lệ 4x3. Ví dụ: 1280x720 pixel.
      3. On Tax / Price after tax tab
      • Select tax rate and price after tax for each type of service. The program will automatically calculate price before tax of the item.
      • If price after tax is the same for all types of service, check Price after tax is the same for all types of service and enter selling price.

      4. Click Save.

      Moreover, you can enter other item on PC/POS. View details here.

