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Home > Sale > Cashier > Take order

Take order

1. Purpose
Help the cashier to add order in the following cases: Unreserved guestsreserved gueststake-away guests and delivery guests to manage and check out quickly upon request. 
2.1 Unreserved guests a. Instruction steps
1. Click . Select the item ordered and the quantity of each item.

2. After adding items ordered, click the icon  to send to kitchen/bar.
3. Kitchen/bar receives list of orders on tablet or prints subject to device provided.
4. Click Save to save or click Save & Add to save the order and create a new order.
5. If the guest has modifier for any item, view instruction here.
6. If the cashier wants to add any note on cooking or payment request, click the icon , select Dine-in and accept additional notes.

b. Note
If the cashier uses POS and wants to add order with keyboard, change the initial settings as follows:
1. Go to Home screen, click the icon \Settings.

2. Click Edit, uncheck Allow using touchscreen and then Save.

3. After changing the settings, you can use the keyboard to quickly add order.

1. Near reservation time: Select the order type as Reserved on the Order screen.
2. Click the icon , then click Send to kitchen/bar to send the reserved items (if any) to kitchen/bar.

3. When the guest checks in, confirm their check-in in either of these ways:

4. Insert additional order (if any), select table (if they have not selected yet) and send to kitchen/bar likeUnreserved guests.
2.3. Take-away guests
1. Click the icon , select Add take away order.

        2. Select ordered items in case of Unreserved guest. 

         If you want to add note to kitchen/bar, click the icon  to recognize.

        3. Click the icon  to send items ordered to kitchen/bar.
        3.4. Delivery guests
        Click the icon , select Add delivery order

        2. Enter guest information

        3. Select ordered items in case of Unreserved guest.

        4. After filling in delivery information, proceed in either of these ways:
            • For instant delivery: click the icon  to send order to kitchen/bar.
            • For non-instant delivery: Click Save to save the order. Near the shipping time, click the icon  on Delivery order to send to kitchen/bar.
            4. Note

            1. Only display and allow to select promotion if the restaurant manager has set promotion with free item and this program is applicable.
            2. Only display and allow to change price by schedule if the restaurant manager has set price schedule policy on menu management.
            3. Can take order by clicking the guest's table on Layout screen.

