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New features

I. Web & PC - Sale
1. Allow to add guest information upon taking order
2. Add utilities to help the cashier know total number of guests making reservation a day
3. Require the manager to confirm when the cashier applies a program other than the set promotion program
4. Allow to check items for the take-away and delivery order

I. Web & PC - Sale
1. Allow to add guest information upon taking order
Details of change: Now the software does not allow to add guest information upon taking order, so the cashier cannot quickly find order by guest for check-out. Therefore, as of R71 CUKCUK software allows to add guest information upon taking order so that the cashier can quickly check out searching order by guest.
Instruction steps: 
Step 1: Create order, go to order details to select/add guest

Step 2: The cashier can search guest and then check out

2. Add utilities to help the cashier know total number of guests making reservation a day
Details of change: Now the software does not calculate the number of reservations, guests and deposit, so it takes the cashier a lot of time to sum up and report to relevant sections. Therefore, as of R71 CUKUCK software adds such information in Reservation book, which helps the cashier quickly prepare and submit reports to others.
Instruction steps: 
On Reservation book, add these information: Total reservations, total guests, and total deposit

3. Require the manager to confirm when the cashier applies a program other than the set promotion program
Details of change: Now, when the manager sets that the cashier cannot apply any program other than the set promotion program, on Sale software the cashier cannot add other program upon checking out. Therefore, as of R71 CUKCUK software adds Require the manager to confirm when the cashier wants to apply.
Instruction steps: 
Step 1: On the management page, go to General settings\Purchase/Sale and select Require manager to confirm/The cashier offers items free/discount upon checking out

Step 2: When the cashier checks out and applies a promotion program, a message requiring the manager's confirmation will pop up.

4. Allow to check items for the take-away and delivery order
Details of change: Currently, the program only allows to check items for Dine-in orders and cannot check for each guest. This may cause mistake. Therefore, as of R71 CUKCUK software allows the cashier to check items by guest and for both Take-away and Delivery orders.
Instruction steps: 
On Dine-in, Take-away, Delivery order, click Check items

If the order is not recognized for each guest: Check items and print item checklist as below.

If the order recognized for each guest: Check items and print item checklist as below.
