I. Web & PC - Sale 1. Allow to get payment for delivery orders without adding to shipping book and in multiple methods I. Web & PC - Sale 1. Allow to get payment for delivery orders without adding to shipping book and in multiple methods Details of change: Currently when creating any delivery order, the program will add it to the shipping book and only accepts cash. This makes it difficult for the staff to create order because actually many delivery orders are paid immediately with multiple methods like bank card, transfer or cash.... Therefore, as of R74 CUKCUK software allows to get payment for delivery orders without adding to shipping book and in multiple methods. Instruction steps: 1. On Sale device, the staff can get payment immediately with multiple methods for delivery orders without adding it to shipping book After getting payment, the shipping book will show Paid status 2. If the staff creates order and selects delivery. When this order is added to shipping book, the staff also can get payment with multiple methods.