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New features

I. Web & PC - Sale
1. The restaurant owner can create and print QR Code to navigate to Place delivery order on 5Food
2. Automatically upgrade or downgrade 5Food membership card class when the restaurant deletes bill
3. Add the settings: Do not allow the waitstaff or cashier to view other staff's orders

4. Allow to recognize price of item by the time of selecting it (Currently the software recognizes price by order time)

I. Web & PC - Sale
1. The restaurant owner can create and print QR Code to navigate to Place delivery order on 5Food
Details of change: The restaurant has a list of regular guests around the restaurant, so they want the guests to place order on 5Food instead of Grab or Now. The owner wants to create QR Code which navigates to Place delivery order on 5Food. Then they will post this QR Code on groups around the restaurant or their fanpage so that the guests can scan and place order. Moreover, the owner can print QR Code on bills or flyers for the guests to scan and place order next time. Therefore, as of R73 CUKCUK software adds the feature: The restaurant owner can create and print QR Code to navigate to Place delivery order on 5Food.
Instruction steps:
Step 1: On the 5Food management page, turn on Place delivery order feature. Then, you can create Standee and link.

The owner can create and download Standee, QR Code on Standee screen

Step 2: On sale device: Saleperson checks the settings "Show QR Code for delivey orders on 5food" on Settings/Printer and Template settings/Template settings/Content in bill bottom to print QR code on bills

Step 3: On 5Food app, the guests can click on the link or scan QR Code to place delivery order.

View details here.  
2. Automatically upgrade or downgrade 5Food membership card class when the restaurant deletes bill
Details of change: Currently, when deleting bill of any 5food member, earned points were deducted accordingly but the class. Therefore, as of R73 the program adds a feature: automatically downgrade 5Food membership class when any bill is deleted. 
Instruction steps:
Step 1: On 5Food management page, the restaurant sets up  Upgrading Policy
E.g.: the restaurant sets 900 points for Diamond class and 500 points for Gold class 

When the guest earns 1340 points, their class will be Diamond.

Step 2: After the cashier realizes they recognize bill for wrong guest, they delete bill

If deleting bill deducts earned points resulting in downgrading the guest's class, their class will be automatically downgraded accordingly.
As per the example above, the guest has 1340 points equivalent to Diamond class. However, when the cashier deducts their earned points to 350, their class will be downgraded to Silve class.

3. Add the settings: Do not allow the waitstaff or cashier to view other staff's orders
Details of change: The restaurant has a lot of waitstaffs. During working time they can see each other's orders, so they can edit or update. Therefore, if there's any problem, the manager cannot know who should take responsibility. Therefore, as of R73 the manager can set up the waitstaff can view their orders only. Instruction steps:
Step 1: On the management page, the manager goes to System settings/ Purchase/Sale check  Do not allow the waitstaff/cashier to view orders created by others

Step 2: On sale device: waitstaff and cashier cannot view orders by other staff

4. Allow to recognize price of item by the time of selecting it (Currently the software recognizes price by order time)
Details of change: The restaurant wishes that out of the set price schedule, the item is recognized at common price even though order including this item is made within the price schedule. Therefore, as of R73 the program allows to apply price policy by time of adding item to order (if the item applies price policy), show note of applied schedule on order screen (hide Apply price schedule feature (Ctrl + I)).
View details here
