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Add a feature: Allow the restaurant to issue and manage vouchers
The cashier can create voucher and manage the issuance and use of vouchers at the restaurant
Instruction steps:
I. On the management page
III. On Mobile/Tablet

Here are details of change:
I. On the management page

1.1. Follow up and manage vouchers
On the management page, on Promotion/Voucher, the software allows the manager to manage list of vouchers created by the cashier. The manager can follow up these information:

The software defaults this month, and you can edit it.
When the cashier issues vouchers on PC. After clicking OK, on the management page it will automatically generate pay-in note and default reason is "<khách hàng> bought voucher"
1.2. Set up how to search voucher ID
Go to General settings\Purchase/Sale, check the box Allow cashier to search voucher code by customer phone number and click Save.
By checking this box, on PC/Mobile/Tablet the cashier can search voucher ID with the guest's phone number.
Step 1: On PC, click the icon and select Issuing Voucher to create Voucher.

Here the cashier can enter full information. Then click OK. The program will automatically print vouchers in the applicable paper size

Step 2:  Upon making payment
1. The cashier enters Voucher ID to get payment. If the voucher ID is entered correctly, its status will be Valid and voucher details will be shown.

2. Search voucher by phone number

If the phone number has 1 or many vouchers, the program will show list of vouchers and expiry date. 

Note:  For valid vouchers, tThe cashier can select maximum 1 voucher to apply.

3. The cashier enter used value

4. On the bill/check, used value will be shown in Voucher part

Note: For the bills applying voucher, when printing the bill, the program will print voucher note if the voucher is still valid

Step 3: Shift report

On PC, click the icon , select General report\Shift report. The program shows total payment by voucher.

Step 4: Shift handover minutes

On Sale\Voucher: The program shows total amount paid by Voucher.

On Shift handover\Qty. of vouchers: The program shows total number of bills applying vouchers.

Step 5: Closing entries

Whichever method of payment the guest buys voucher with, the program will recognize that method of payment to the revenue.

III. On Mobile/Tablet
1. On Mobile
On Mobile, click on the icon  and select Voucher. 
The cashier enters voucher ID to get payment

Note: If the voucher code is wrong, its status will be invalid and the cashier needs to enter it again.

The cashier searches voucher by phone number.
If the phone number has 1 or many vouchers, the program will show a list of vouchers.

2. On Tablet
Follow the same steps as on Mobile

