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Add a feature: Allow the restaurants to issue and manage vouchers
The cashier can create vouchers and the manager can follow up the issuance and use of vouchers at the restaurant
Instruction steps:
Step 1: Issue bills
On Quick-service software, click on the icon
and select "Issue voucher" to create Voucher. On Issue voucher screen, the cashier needs to enter full information as in the image below.

Then click "OK".
Step 2: Get payment
When the customer gives voucher, the cashier can get payment as follows:
Case 1: The cashier enters voucher ID. If it is valid, the cashier click 
OK to apply the voucher.

Case 2: The cashier enters phone number to search voucher. If the phone number has more than 1 vouchers, the program will show all vouchers. The cashier can select 1 valid voucher to apply and then click OK.

Note: For valid vouchers, the cashier can select maximum 1 code to apply.

Case 3: The cashier enters the amount to apply

Case 4: On the bill, show used value at Voucher section

Note: For the bills getting payment with voucher, when printing the bill, the program will print a new voucher if the voucher is still valid.

