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Home > New features > R77.1


I. Web & PC - Sale

The program adds some settings on Order page including:
1. Set up shipping methods.

1. Set up shipping methods.
Step 1: On management page, select Sale Online, click the icon Settings, select General settings

Step 2: In Shipping methods, check Delivery/Pick-up/Both.

Step 3: Click Save.
2. Set up opening time by day in a week.
Step 1: 
On Sale Online page, select Working hour tab.

Step 2: Select Working hour:
  • Case 1: Weekdays have the same working hours
    • Check Weekdays have the same working hours.

    • Select Number of timeframes.
    • Set up Working hour for each timeframe.
  • Case 2: Weekdays have different working hours
    • Check Weekdays have different working hours.

    • Select Number of timeframes.

    • Set up Timeframe for each day in the week.
    • Click Save.
