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I. PC - Sale

1. The cashier/waitstaff wants to send additional item not included in the menu to kitchen/bar to process and serve as per the guests' request
2. [5Food] The cashier wants to send check to guests via 5Food apps so that the guests can view it right on their device

3. When editing bill, Department of Finance wants the program to create the other bill instead of allowing the Manager to directly edit on the program so that it can control revenue and tax declaration

4. The Manager wants to add note "Entertainment Cost is in accordance with S.4 (5) No.2 Law on Income Tax" on Entertainment Note to show that the restaurant complies with the law
5. Every day the Manager wants to view pay-ins collected by each cashier on a general report on PC so that he/she can save time from viewing Shift Handover Minutes of each cashier on the web-based management page like now
6. The cashier wants to split some items from an order and get payment in order to satisfy guest's request of separate payment
II. Mobile
1. The waitstaff wants to categorize modifiers so that he/she can quickly select
2. The cashier/waitstaff wants to send additional item not included in the menu to kitchen/bar to process and serve as per the guests' request
3. On Cukcuk Manager apps, the Manager wants to view quantity of deleted orders/items, reason for deleting so that he/she can know the status of item deletion by day/week/month in the restaurant
4. When editing bill, Department of Finance wants the program to create the other bill instead of allowing the Manager to directly edit on the program so that it can control revenue and tax declaration
5. The Manager wants to add note "Entertainment Cost is in accordance with S.4 (5) No.2 Law on Income Tax" on Entertainment Note to show that the restaurant complies with the law
6. The cashier wants to split some items from an order and get payment in order to satisfy guest's request of separate payment
7. The Manager wants to change address field to match with address management in Germany

I. PC - Sale
1. The cashier/waitstaff wants to send additional item not included in the menu to kitchen/bar to process and serve as per the guests' request
Details of change: In R45, the program allows to send additional item not included in the menu to kitchen/bar so that the kitchen/bar staff can process.
Instruction steps:
  • When adding other item as requested by the guest, select the place to process.

2. [5Food] The cashier wants to send check to guests via 5Food apps so that the guests can view it right on their device
Details of change: In R45, for the guests using 5Food Mobile when the cashier Send Check/Print Check the guest will receive the check on 5Food apps.
Instruction steps:
  • On Check out window, enter Card number of the guest using 5Food or select guest from the list.

  • When clicking Send Check/Print Check, the guest will receive the check on 5Food Mobile apps.

3. When editing bill, Department of Finance wants the program to create the other bill instead of allowing the Manager to directly edit on the program so that it can control revenue and tax declaration

Details of change: To control the legality of data on the program, German Department of Finance requires that the program must recognize editing bill and does not to allow to edit the bill directly but to create a new bill. In R45, when the manager/cashier edits bill, the program will automatically generate a new bill and delete the old bill to satisfy this requirement.
  • When editing bill, the program will generate a new bill which has the same content as the old one.
  • The old bill will be deleted.

Note: To edit bill, the cashier must not close the shift and the manager has not proceeded with closing entry
4. The Manager wants to add note "Entertainment Cost is in accordance with S.4 (5) No.2 Law on Income Tax" on Entertainment Note to show that the restaurant complies with the law
Details of change:
 In R45, on Entertainment Note add "Entertainment Cost is in accordance with S.4 (5) No.2 Law on Income Tax" as required by German law.

5. Every day the Manager wants to view pay-ins collected by each cashier on a general report on PC so that he/she can save time from viewing Shift Handover Minutes of each cashier on the web-based management page like now
Details of change: For the restaurant which multiple cashiers use device, to know total amount each cashier gets payment in the shift the manager must view List of bills on the web-based management page. It takes time to do so. In R45, add Report on Sales by staff on CUKCUK Sale, which helps the manager quickly view total amount the staff has collected in the shift.
Instruction steps:
  • Click the icon , select General report/Report on Sales by staff.

  • The program shows total amount the staff has collected by the time of viewing, sorting by name.

6. The cashier wants to split some items from an order and get payment in order to satisfy guest's request of separate payment
Details of change: In R45, add Separate check-out feature on Check out window, which helps the cashier to check out each item upon guest's request.
Instruction steps:
  • On Check out window, click Check out separately.

  • Enter quantity of each item. 

  • Proceed with Get payment.

  • On the bill there are only items which have not been checked out yet. Now get payment for the remaining items on the bill.

For the split bill, upon checking out re-enter guest information and promotion.

II. Mobile
1. The waitstaff wants to categorize modifiers so that he/she can quickly select
Details of change: At some restaurants, the guest usually asks for more beef, more cheese, or more ice. For example 1 piece of cheese. In R45 version, the manager can categorize modifiers so that the cashier can quickly select upon taking order.
Instruction steps:
  • On Management page, click Utilities/Modifiers.
  • Click Add to enter modifier category of the restaurant.

  • Select category to classify upon entering Modifiers.

  • Apply Modifiers to items.

  • On CUKCUK Sale version, modifiers are categorized, which helps cashier quickly select upon guest's request.

2. The cashier/waitstaff wants to send additional item not included in the menu to kitchen/bar to process and serve as per the guests' request
Details of change: In R45, the program allows to send additional item not included in the menu to kitchen/bar so that the kitchen/bar staff can process.
Instruction steps:
  • When adding other item as requested by the guest, select the place to process.

3. On Cukcuk Manager apps, the Manager wants to view quantity of deleted orders/items, reason for deleting so that he/she can know the status of item deletion by day/week/month in the restaurant
Details of change: 
In R45, add Quantity of deleted orders/items report so that the manager can check details of deleted items/order and know time, reason for deleting right on mobile without accessing to the web-based management page
Instruction steps:
  • Click the icon , select Quantity of deleted orders/items.

  • The apps displays quantity of deleted items/order within a day by reason.

  • Click the icon  to view the other time.

4. When editing bill, Department of Finance wants the program to create the other bill instead of allowing the Manager to directly edit on the program so that it can control revenue and tax declaration

Details of change: To control the legality of data on the program, German Department of Finance requires that the program must recognize editing bill and does not to allow to edit the bill directly but to create a new bill. In R45, when the manager/cashier edits bill, the program will automatically generate a new bill and delete the old bill to satisfy this requirement.
  • When editing bill, the program will generate a new bill which has the same content as the old one.
  • The old bill will be deleted.

Note: To edit bill, the cashier must not close the shift and the manager has not proceeded with closing entry

5. The Manager wants to add note "Entertainment Cost is in accordance with S.4 (5) No.2 Law on Income Tax" on Entertainment Note to show that the restaurant complies with the law
Details of change:
 In R45, on Entertainment Note add "Entertainment Cost is in accordance with S.4 (5) No.2 Law on Income Tax" as required by German law.

6. The cashier wants to split some items from an order and get payment in order to satisfy guest's request of separate payment
Details of change: In R45, add Separate check-out feature on Check out window, which helps the cashier to check out each item upon guest's request.
Instruction steps:
  • On Check out window, click Check out separately.

  • Click Split more if the number of items to be split is more than 2.
  • Add items to be checked out separately to each order.

Note: Need to split items on the original order. If quantity of all items on the original order is 0, it is impossible to split and check out separately.
  • Click Check out and proceed with getting payment.

  • Proceed with getting payment for the remaining orders.

7. The Manager wants to change address field to match with address management in Germany
Details of changeIn R45, to be compliant with address management in Germany, the program changes address field of the restaurant to Country, State, City/Area, Street, House number


