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I. Cloud

1. When the customer forgets password and proceed with Forgot password feature, the customer wants the program to display the email address receiving new password so that he/she can log in such email and reset password without contacting MISA for support
2. The cashier/manager wants to easily find order on the program to compare with the order ticket if there is any problem
3. The restaurant displays taxed unit price on menu. The manager wants unit price of the item to match with the unit price on menu as seen by the guest after applying tax to the bill.
4. The restaurants in Germany want the program to default list of common bank cards
II. PC - Sale
1. On the bill, the cashier wants to display name of the promotion program right on promotion by item/bill part not in the bottom of the bill to save paper and to be easier to follow up
2. The cashier/manager wants to easily find order on the program to compare with the order ticket if there is any problem
3. The manager wants to view total amount each cashier can collect from all methods of payment within a day on 1 device

III. Mobile
1. When the customer forgets password and proceed with Forgot password feature, the customer wants the program to display the email address receiving new password so that he/she can log in such email and reset password without contacting MISA for support
2. The cashier/manager wants to easily find order on the program to compare with the order ticket if there is any problem

I. Cloud

1. When the customer forgets password and proceed with Forgot password feature, the customer wants the program to display the email address receiving new password so that he/she can log in such email and reset password without contacting MISA for support

Details of change: In R46, when proceeding with Forgot password feature, the program will display email address so that the user can know which email will receive new password.

2. The cashier/manager wants to easily find order on the program to compare with the order ticket if there is any problem
Details of change: Some restaurants manage orders by ticket. Each staff will be given an order book to take order. The manager will check number of orders on book to calculate bonus for staff. Currently, thep program does not allow to edit order number, so the manager finds it difficult to control staff's order number. 
To satisfy this requirement, in R46 the manager can tract actual order number of the staff on List of bills on Note column.
Instruction steps: 
  • When the staff takes order, enter his/her order number in order information part.

  • After checking out and getting payment, this order number will be loaded to List of bills on Note column. The manager can filter by order number.

3. The restaurant displays taxed unit price on menu. The manager wants unit price of the item to match with the unit price on menu as seen by the guest after applying tax to the bill.
Details of change:
 In German restaurants, usually unit price on menu includes tax. However when entering price on the program, the manager must enter price before tax. This leads to discrepancy between price after tax on the program and that on the menu. In R46, to solve this problem the program allows the manager to enter price after tax, applicable tax rate. Then price before tax is automatically calculated.
Instruction steps: 
  • Select System settings/General settings.
  • Select Purchase/Sale tab, click Edit on Sale part.
  • On Include tax when checking out, check Unit price on menu already includes tax.

  • Click Save.
  • When entering the item, the program will display Tax/Price after tax tab.

  • When entering price after tax of the item by type of service.
  • Enter applicable tax rate. The program will automatically calculate price before tax.

  • If price after tax is the same for all types of service, you can quickly add price in Price after tax is the same for all types of service.

  • When the cashier takes order, the program will display price according to each type of service.

  • The printed bill will display price before and after tax. (R46 only supports printing bill via tablet)

4. The restaurants in Germany want the program to default list of common bank cards
Details of change: To be consisten with restaurants in Germany, in R46 the program defaults list of commonly used bank cards.
Details are: EC, VISA Debit, MASTER Debit, Union Pay, JCB, ATM, MASTER, American Express, American Express Debit, Discover, Dinners Club

II. PC - Sale

1. On the bill, the cashier wants to display name of the promotion program right on promotion by item/bill part not in the bottom of the bill to save paper and to be easier to follow up
Details of change: Some restaurants run multiple promotion programs (2 - 3 programs), so the printed bill is long and not beautiful. In R46, add new bill template, which minimizes promotion information so that the bill looks more beautiful.
  • A5 paper size

  • 80mm paper size

  • 58mm paper size

Note: The restaurants using 58mm and 80mm paper size should give a short name for the promotion program for the bill to look good (about 4-5 words)

2. The cashier/manager wants to easily find order on the program to compare with the order ticket if there is any problem
Details of change: Some restaurants manage orders by ticket. Each staff will be given an order book to take order. The manager will check number of orders on book to calculate bonus for staff. Currently, thep program does not allow to edit order number, so the manager finds it difficult to control staff's order number. 
In R46 the manager can tract actual order number of the staff on note of the bill.
Instruction steps:
  • On Printer and template settingsclick Edit.

  • Select Template settings on Printer and template settings for cashier.
  • Select Content tab check Display note on the bill.

  • Click OK.
  • Click Save.

  • When the staff takes order, enter his/her order number on the note. Then the guest bill will display information on order number.
3. The manager wants to view total amount each cashier can collect from all methods of payment within a day on 1 device
Details of change:
 In R46, the program allows the manager to print Report on sales by staff for easier check and comparison.

III. Mobile
1. When the customer forgets password and proceed with Forgot password feature, the customer wants the program to display the email address receiving new password so that he/she can log in such email and reset password without contacting MISA for support
Details of change:
 In R46, when proceeding with Forgot password feature, the program will display email address so that the user can know which email will receive new password.

2. The cashier/manager wants to easily find order on the program to compare with the order ticket if there is any problem.
Details of change:
 Some restaurants manage orders by ticket. Each staff will be given an order book to take order. The manager will check number of orders on book to calculate bonus for staff. Currently, thep program does not allow to edit order number, so the manager finds it difficult to control staff's order number. 
In R46 the manager can tract actual order number of the staff on note of the bill.
Instruction steps:
  • On LAN printer settings, on Content tab check Display note on the bill.
  • Click OK.

  • When the staff takes order, enter his/her order number on the note. Then the guest bill will display information on order number.


