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I. Cloud

1. When creating a promotion program, the Manager wants to select Automatically apply promotion to guests according to membership card
2. System admin (the owner) wants to delete the restaurant data so that he or she can reset data upon demand
3. The program wants to require System admin to reenter old password before resetting password in order to increase the security of the system
II. PC - Sale
1. [Quick service] the Manager wants to edit bills right on the screen where he/she is and does not need to go back to Order screen to save time
2. When working on the program, the waitstaff/cashier wants not to receive notification of the changed orders when kitchen/bar confirms process/serve items
3. When setting promotion by hour, the Manager wants to apply promotion when the guest dines in within the promotional schedule not only when the guest checks out.
4. Add Collect debt feature for the cashier when the restaurant works in Offline mode
III. Mobile
1. Add Collect debt feature for the cashier when the restaurant works in Offline mode
2. [Smartphone] Waitstaff wants to split 1 order into multiple bills so that it is easy to get payment from each guest in a group
3. When setting promotion by hour, the Manager wants to apply promotion when the guest dines in within the promotional schedule not only when the guest checks out.
4. On mobile app, the Chain manager wants to follow up sales by date of the whole chain and contribution of each restaurant to the chain sales. Accordingly, he/she can evaluate performance of each restaurant and conduct remote management
5. Localize the program in German

I. Cloud
1. When creating a promotion program, the Manager wants to select Automatically apply promotion to guests according to membership card
Details of change:
 Currently for promotion programs subject to membership card class, the user cannot set
Automatically apply promotion program upon checking out. However, when the cashier checks out on CUKCUK Sale, the program still automatically applies to the guest whose card class is qualified. This makes manager and cashier confused. From R41 version, the manager can select Automatically apply promotion program upon checking out for the programs subject to membership card class.
Instruction steps:

  • When adding new promotion program by card class, the manager can check Automatically apply this promotion program upon checking out.

  • When the cashier checks out, the program will automatically apply.

  • If it is unchecked, the program will not automatically apply.

    2. System admin (the owner) wants to delete the restaurant data so that he or she can reset data upon demand
    Details of change: Currently, the manager only can delete restaurant data during trial. When the restaurant buys license, the manager cannot delete data in order to avoid discrepancy. However, in fact many restaurants want to delete data after buying license. As a result, from R41 version the program allows the owner (System admin account) to delete restaurant data after buying license.
    Note: Only delete data which is old, incorrect or unimportant because after this deletion it is impossible to restore.

    Instruction steps:
    To delete restaurant data, please follow these steps:

    • On System settings, click Delete restaurant data.

    • The program will show warning, click Continue if you really want to delete data.

    • Enter password of System admin to confirm. 

    • Select the content you want to delete: Delete Utilities, Sales, and arising data or only delete Sales.

    • Click Proceed.
    • The program will send a verification code to your phone number or email as registered for System admin. If you have not entered phone number or email for System admin, you need to complete it on Utilities/Staff.
    • Enter Verification code, click Proceed. The program will delete the selected data.

    3. The program wants to require System admin to reenter old password before resetting password in order to increase the security of the system
    Details of change: From R41 version for System admin when changing password of his/her account on Utilities/Staff, it is a must to enter old password before changing password in order to increase the security of the system.

    II. PC - Sale
    1. [Quick service] the Manager wants to edit bills right on the screen where he/she is and does not need to go back to Order screen to save time
    Details of change:
     In some restaurants, after checking out and getting payment the cashier finds out wrong information and wants to edit bill so that he/she can reprint the bill and record exact sales of the restaurant. To save time, from R41 version, on
    Delete bill screen, after clicking Allow editing the program will display Check out screen so that the cashier can quickly edit bill.

    2. When working on the program, the waitstaff/cashier wants not to receive notification of the changed orders when kitchen/bar confirms process/serve items
    Details of change: 
    From R41 version, when the cashier is adding item, checking item, checking out, etc. the program will not display notification of the changed order whose item is confirmed to be processed/served by kitchen/bar.

    3. When setting promotion by hour, the Manager wants to apply promotion when the guest dines in within the promotional schedule not only when the guest checks out.
    Details of change:
     For the restaurants which apply price schedule. For example offer wine free from 18h00 to 20h00. When the guests dine in or check out within this schedule, they are entitled to this promotion. 
    • When the guests dine in or check out from 18h00 to 20h00, they are entitled to this promotion
    • If the guest starts dining it at 17h45 (before the promotional schedule) but makes payment at 19h45, this guest is also entitled to the program
    • If the guest starts dining it at 18h30 but makes payment at 20h30, this guest is also entitled to the program
    From R41 version, to meet this requirement when the cashier checks out for the guests who dine in or check out within this schedule, the guests are entitled to this promotion.

    4. Add Collect debt feature for the cashier when the restaurant works in Offline mode
    Details of change: From R41 version, add Split order feature so that the waitstaff can split and check out separately upon guest's request.

    III. Mobile
    1. Add Collect debt feature for the cashier when the restaurant works in Offline mode
    Details of change: From R41 version, add Collect debt when the cashier works in Offline mode.

    2. [Smartphone] Waitstaff wants to split 1 order into multiple bills so that it is easy to get payment from each guest in a group
    Details of change: From R41 version, add Split order feature so that the waitstaff can split and check out separately upon guest's request.
    Instruction steps:
    • On the order of the guest who wants to make separate payment, click this icon [...], select Split order.

    • Increase the number of item(s) to be split.
    • If you want to send payment request immediately to the cashier, check Send payment request.
    • Click Done.

    • If the guests want to split the other item, click this icon .
    • Then follow the same steps.

    • Click Finish.

    • Go back to Order screen, the guest's order has already been split into different orders.

    3. When setting promotion by hour, the Manager wants to apply promotion when the guest dines in within the promotional schedule not only when the guest checks out.
    Details of change: For the restaurants which apply price schedule. For example offer wine free from 18h00 to 20h00. When the guests dine in or check out within this schedule, they are entitled to this promotion. 
    • When the guests dine in or check out from 18h00 to 20h00, they are entitled to this promotion
    • If the guest starts dining it at 17h45 (before the promotional schedule) but makes payment at 19h45, this guest is also entitled to the program
    • If the guest starts dining it at 18h30 but makes payment at 20h30, this guest is also entitled to the program
    From R41 version, to meet this requirement when the cashier checks out for the guests who dine in or check out within this schedule, the guests are entitled to this promotion.

    4. On mobile app, the Chain manager wants to follow up sales by date of the whole chain and contribution of each restaurant to the chain sales. Accordingly, he/she can evaluate performance of each restaurant and conduct remote management
    Details of change:
     From R41 version, when view Chain report on CUKCUK Manager, add filter View by Sales, with Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Other (select any time) to manage chain so that it is easy to compare sales of restaurants in a chain.
    Instruction steps:

    • Click this icon , select Chain.

    • Click this icon  , filter View by Sales.

    5. Localize the program in German

