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I. Cloud

1. The Manager wants to view Sales by staff and items to know the quantity of items/item categories sold by a staff. Accordingly, the Manager can determine bonus for such staff (The restaurant only offers bonus for a certain item/category)
2. When viewing Business Operation Report, the Manager wants to recognize other pay-ins such as scrap sale, parking charge in sales in order to reflect exact sales of the restaurant
3. Add Archive feature so that the Manager can edit report upon difference on the general report and detailed report
4. [Germany] The Manager wants to change address field to match with address management in Germany
II. PC - Sale
1. Optimize performance of the program which is slow due to Kitchen/bar sending log
2. On Order window on PC/POS (When setting Not using touchscreen) the staff wants to select Quick note for the item to be easy to take order but not save this note
3. The program changes processing method on open/close shift feature
4. On Order window, the cashier wants to quickly filter orders or search orders in the area/floor he/she is in charge without viewing orders in the other areas

5. [5Food] Complete 5Food Membership Card feature
6. [GERMANY] The manager wants to have a postal code field for the restaurant, guests and suppliers to quickly find
III. Mobile
1. On iOS Sale, the cashier wants to select Print each item template when using tablet to directly send order to kitchen/bar not through PC so that it is more convenient for bar to serve
2. The restaurant has multiple cashier's devices, and the cashier can view all bills created on all devices. This facilitates checking of Bills on the management webpage
3. On Order list, the cashier wants to ascend/descend paid bills to follow up and check upon closing shift so that he/she can know if there are enough bills
4. The program changes processing method on open/close shift feature
5. [5Food] The cashier wants to apply gift code issued by the restaurant upon checking out and the Manager can follow up bills applying gift code
6. [GERMANY] The manager wants to have a postal code field for the restaurant, guests and suppliers to quickly find
7. Optimize performance of the program which is slow due to Kitchen/bar sending log

I. Cloud
1. The Manager wants to view Sales by staff and items to know the quantity of items/item categories sold by a staff. Accordingly, the Manager can determine bonus for such staff (The restaurant only offers bonus for a certain item/category)

Details of change: Some restaurants offer staff bonus for a certain item. For example: The staff will obtain bonus of VND5000 when selling 1kg of sturgeon In R43, to satisfy this requirement, the program adds Sales by staff and items feature, which allows to list items/item categories sold by which staff.
Instruction steps:
  • Click Report/Sales, select report Sales by staff and items.
  • Here the user can view reports by different criteria.
  • View Sales by staff and items. 
    • Select View by Staff and View by Item name.
    • Select Staff and click OK.

  • View Sales by staff and items.

    • View Items sold in the period.
      • Select View by Item name.
      • Select item and click OK.

      • View Menu category sold in the period.
        • Select View by Menu category.
        • Select category and click OK.

        2. When viewing Business Operation Report, the Manager wants to recognize other pay-ins such as scrap sale, parking charge in sales in order to reflect exact sales of the restaurant
        Details of change:
        For some restaurants, in addition to revenue from sale, other pay-ins like scrap sale, parking charge also bring profit. In R43, add
        Added to other pay-in on bank deposit/cash pay-in note, which allows the user to recognize these pay-ins in the report to reflect actual income of the restaurant.
        Instruction steps:
        • On pay-in note, check Added to other pay-in if you want to recognize it in Profit report.

        • At that time, other pay-ins will be added to Business Operation Report and Sales/Cost/Profit (view by Total sales).

        • To view Sales report (not including other pay-ins), click the icon  and select View by Sales.

        3. Add Archive feature so that the Manager can edit report upon difference on the general report and detailed report
        Details of change: Actually in some restaurants, because there are many transactions and internet connection is not stable it may cause difference between general report and detailed report. In R43, the program adds
        Archive feature so that the customer can restore data in case of any difference in report.
        Instruction steps:
        • Click System settings/Archive.

        • Enter password to confirm Archive.
        • Click OK.

        • Select period to archive. In case of a restaurant chain, you need to select restaurant to archive.
        • Click Proceed.

        • Click Yes to confirm.

        4. [Germany] The Manager wants to change address field to match with address management in Germany
        Details of change: 
        In R43, to be compliant with address management in Germany, the program changes address field of the restaurant to Country, State, City/Area, Street, House number

        II. PC - Sale
        1. Optimize performance of the program which is slow due to Kitchen/bar sending log
        2. On Order window on PC/POS (When setting Not using touchscreen) the staff wants to select Quick note for the item to be easy to take order but not save this note

        Details of change: In R43, the program adds Quick note for order-taking on PC/POS without touchscreen. This helps the waitstaff send modifier to kitchen/bar without saving it.
        Instruction steps:
        • On Order window, click this icon , select Quick note.

        • Enter note and click OK.

        3. The program changes processing method on open/close shift feature
        Details of change:
         Actually in some restaurants, after a shift the cashier does not close shift, which saves all data arising in the shift. This slows down the program. In R43, the program will require the cashier to close shift in the next day.
        Instruction steps:
        • If the cashier does not close shift on the day before, on the next day upon opening shift the program will require the cashier to close shift.

        4. On Order window, the cashier wants to quickly filter orders or search orders in the area/floor he/she is in charge without viewing orders in the other areas
        Details of change: 
        In R43, the cashier can quickly filter orders in the area/floor he/she is in charge.
        Instruction steps:
        • Filter orders by floor as follows:

        • On Sale version, the program allows the cashier to filter orders by area/floor.

        • When adding order, the program will automatically filter order by area which has just been added.

        5. [5Food] Complete 5Food Membership Card feature
        Details of change:
         In R43, the cashier can recognize the guest's membership card on 5Food in Offline mode, but the local server must have internet connection.

        6. [GERMANY] The manager wants to have a postal code field for the restaurant, guests and suppliers to quickly find
        Details of change: Each address in Germany has 1 postal code. The restaurant can know exactly where the guest is through this code. In R43, to satisfy this requirement add Postal code field on Delivery information window and Quick add guest information window.
        • Delivery information.

        • Quick add guest.

        III. Mobile

        1. On iOS Sale, the cashier wants to select Print each item template when using tablet to directly send order to kitchen/bar not through PC so that it is more convenient for bar to serve
        Details of change: 
        In R43, add Order printing mode settings when setting kitchen/bar print template. This allows Print all items on one ticket or Print each item on each ticket.

        2. The restaurant has multiple cashier's devices, and the cashier can view all bills created on all devices. This facilitates checking of Bills on the management webpage
        Details of change:
         In R43, if the cashier creates bills on multiple devices, the cashier can view all bills created on all devices. This facilitates checking of Bills on the management webpage.

        3. On Order list, the cashier wants to ascend/descend paid bills to follow up and check upon closing shift so that he/she can know if there are enough bills
        Details of change: 
        In some restaurants, after closing shift the cashier needs to hand over list of paid bills in shift to the accountant. List of handed over bills (printed bills) will be ascended or descended to follow up and check with list of bills on the program. In R43, the cashier can ascend/descend paid bills so that the accountant can easily check bills.

        4. The program changes processing method on open/close shift feature
        Details of change:
         Actually in some restaurants, after a shift the cashier does not close shift, which saves all data arising in the shift. This slows down the program. In R43, the program will require the cashier to close shift in the next day.
        Instruction steps:
        If the cashier does not close shift on the day before, on the next day upon opening shift the program will require the cashier to close shift.

        5. [5Food] The cashier wants to apply gift code issued by the restaurant upon checking out and the Manager can follow up bills applying gift code
        Details of change: In R43, if the restaurant issues gift codes, the program allows the cashier to recognize these codes upon checking out.
        Instruction steps:
        • On Check out window, click Gift code.

        • Enter Gift code to check code, click Apply.

        6. [GERMANY] The manager wants to have a postal code field for the restaurant, guests and suppliers to quickly find
        Details of change: 
        Each address in Germany has 1 postal code. The restaurant can know exactly where the guest is through this code. In R43, to satisfy this requirement add Postal code field on Delivery information window and Quick add guest information window.
        • Delivery information.
        • Quickly add guest.

        7. Optimize performance of the program which is slow due to Kitchen/bar sending log


