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I. Cloud

1. The manager and cashier want to distinguish between 5Food members and non-5Food members in order to avoid selecting wrong guest upon checking out
2. The restaurant which uses CUKCUK international version wants to contact MISA in the local country and ask to buy the program
II. PC - Sale
1. The cashier wants to display point and information of the guest when applying gift code
2. The manager and cashier want to distinguish between 5Food members and non-5Food members in order to avoid selecting wrong guest upon checking out
3. The cashier wants to check out more quickly the bills applying membership card on Check out window
4. The cashier wants to check out more quickly the bills applying gift code on Check out window
III. Mobile
1. Improve interface of Sale app (Order list, Layout, Serve, Menu, ...)
2. [Smartphone] When taking order on phone, the waitstaff wants to add modifier immediately after entering item in order to avoid missing it
IV. Website
1. Change the display of quotation on website cukcuk.vn (on mobile platform also) which is more attractive and easier to manipulate

I. Cloud

1. The manager and cashier want to distinguish between 5Food members and non-5Food members in order to avoid selecting wrong guest upon checking out
Details of change:
 In R47, for the manager and cashier to easily distinguish between 5Food members and non-5Food members on Utilities/Guest the program adds 5Food Membership column. Any guest who is 5Food member will be checked.


2. The restaurant which uses CUKCUK international version wants to contact MISA in the local country and ask to buy the program
Details of change: In R47, the countries other than Vietnam can contact MISA's representative office in the local country and register to buy license right on the management page.
Contact MISA

  • On Log-in window, the program will display contact according to the local country. 

For example: For German restaurants, contact Support Center +49 030 89568366 and send email to [email protected]

Register an account
  • For the restaurants which have not bought license yet, upon logging in the program will display Notification on grace period. Click Register for official license.

  • Or on the management page, click Buy now.

  • Enter information, click Submit.
II. PC - Sale
1. The cashier wants to display point and information of the guest when applying gift code
Details of change:
 In R47, if the cashier enters gift code, the program will load guest information.
  • For 5Food Members, when applying gift code the program will automatically load guest information.

  • For non-5Food members, when applying gift code the program will show Add member window so that the cashier can quickly add guest information.

2. The manager and cashier want to distinguish between 5Food members and non-5Food members in order to avoid selecting wrong guest upon checking out
Details of change: 
In R47, for the manager and cashier to easily recognize if the guest is 5Food or non-5Food member the program adds 5Food icon to the 5Food member. Consequently, the cashier can easily select guest upon checking out.

3. The cashier wants to check out more quickly the bills applying membership card on Check out window
Details of change: In R47, upon checking out and applying membership card, the program changes as follows:

  • For the guests who are already members of the restaurant, when selecting guest information the program will not show Apply point window in order to save time for the cashier if the guest does not want to spend points.

  • If the guest spends points, click Point to enter the spent points.

  • When getting payment, it is possible to print point on the bill so that the guest can know their current point.

4. The cashier wants to check out more quickly the bills applying gift code on Check out window

Details of change: In R47, if the gift code is recognized on 2 bills, the program will change as follows:
  • If Bill 1 has recognized the gift code and is saved as check, then Bill 2 recognizes this gift code the program will show a message Code is already used.

  • After 10 minutes, if Bill 1 has not checked out, the cashier can apply the code to Bill 2.

III. Mobile
1. Improve interface of Sale app (Order list, Layout, Serve, Menu, ...)


2. [Smartphone] When taking order on phone, the waitstaff wants to add modifier immediately after entering item in order to avoid missing it
Details of change: In R47, the waitstaff can add modifier right upon taking order of any item.
Instruction steps:

  • On Take-order window, on the item involving modifier slide to right.

  • Select icon Modifier and enter modifier.

 IV. Website
1. Change the display of quotation on website cukcuk.vn (on mobile platform also) which is more attractive and easier to manipulate
Details of change: In R47, the program changes the display of quotation on website cukcuk.vn (on mobile platform also) and allows the user to ask to buy on phone.

  • Website interface:

  • Mobile interface:

