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I. Cloud

1. MISA wants approval and change of domain to be proceeded automatically in order to save time from handling requests
2. When setting the staff's access time/Working hour/Shift, the Manager wants to enter the actual schedule of the restaurant instead of only being able to select the current default schedules on the program
3. The chain manager wants to assign a staff with management role like accountant, manager, purchase staff to work in multiple restaurants in the chain
4. The manager wants to import big-sized menu file to the program
II. PC - Sale
1. At the Quick service restaurant, the cashier wants the program to automatically generate waiting numbers in line with the number of bills generated on a day so that they can quickly check the number of bills and the kitchen/bar staff can know which guest orders first
2. When waitstaff or cashier takes order, the Manager wants the program not to automatically enter the number of guests but he/she can enter the actual number of guests manually
III. Mobile
1. When waitstaff or cashier takes order, the Manager wants the program not to automatically enter the number of guests but he/she can enter the actual number of guests manually
IV. Website

1. The international customer wants to know contact of MISA's local representative office where the restaurant is operating for convenience and quick support
2. The customer in Myanmar wants to learn about CUKCUK in English on the local website

I. Cloud
1. MISA wants approval and change of domain to be proceeded automatically in order to save time from handling requests
Details of change:
 In R48, MISA allows the user to change domain and use the new domain immediately in order to ensure the smooth operation of the restaurant while waiting for MISA's approval.
  • After chainging, the restaurant will work on the new domain, and the old domain will be deleted.
  • The restaurant can work immediately on the new domain but under trial version.
  • After approval, MISA will grant license.
For details, view here.

2. When setting the staff's access time/Working hour/Shift, the Manager wants to enter the actual schedule of the restaurant instead of only being able to select the current default schedules on the program
Details of change: In some restaurants, their schedule is set every 15 minutes, but the program defaults every 30 mintues. As a result, the manager cannot set their actual schedule. In R48, the program allows the manager to enter schedule by minute.
  • Set the working time.

  • Set Shift.

  • Set serving time.

  • Set time to apply promotion, time on documents, ...
3. The chain manager wants to assign a staff with management role like accountant, manager, purchase staff to work in multiple restaurants in the chain
Details of change: 
In the chain restaurant, a staff (for example accountant, purchase staff) usually works in multiple restaurants, but currently the program only allows one staff to work in one restaurant. Therefore, one staff must have 2 accounts. In R48, to satisfy this requirement the program allows the manager to assign a staff to work in multiple restaurants in the chain. (Only applicable to Management role, NOT Sale role)
Instruction steps:
  • Click System settings/Role management.
  • If the staff has been assigned:
    • Select a role for the staff.
    • Click the column Work in the restaurant.
    • Click the icon .

    • Select the restaurants where the staff is assigned. 
    • Click Select.

  • If the staff has not been assigned::
    • Select a role for the staff.
    • Click Select.

    • Select a role for the staff.
    • Click the icon  and the restaurants where the staff is assigned.

    • Click Select.

4. The manager wants to import big-sized menu file to the program
Details of change: In R48, the program allows the manager to import a big-sized menu file (500 - 1000 rows)

II. PC - Sale
1. At the Quick service restaurant, the cashier wants the program to automatically generate waiting numbers in line with the number of bills generated on a day so that they can quickly check the number of bills and the kitchen/bar staff can know which guest orders first
Details of change: With some quick service restaurants, they do not use waiting board but only waiting number on the bill. Currently, the program only allows to enter waiting number manually, so the cashier spends more time on entering it. In R48, the program automatically generates waiting number according to order number.
Instruction steps: 
  • Set waiting numbering automatically on System settings/Purchase/Sale.

  • When creating order, waiting number will be automatically generated according to order number.

2. When waitstaff or cashier takes order, the Manager wants the program not to automatically enter the number of guests but he/she can enter the actual number of guests manually
Details of change:
 Some restaurants want to know exact number of guests who come dining, so they do not want the program to automatically update number of guests according to the selected table. In R48, to satisfy this requirement the program defaults number of guests as 0 and allows the program to quickly select number of guests on Assign table window.
Instruction steps:
  • On Management page:
    • Click System settings/General settings, select Purchase/Sale tab.
    • Click Edit on Sale.
    • Uncheck Automatically display number of guests when selecting table.

    • Click Save.
  • On the cashier's PC/POS
    • Upon selecting a table, the program will default the number of guests as 6.  

    • It is possible to quickly add number of guests upon assigning table.

III. Mobile
1. When waitstaff or cashier takes order, the Manager wants the program not to automatically enter the number of guests but he/she can enter the actual number of guests manually
Details of change:
 Some restaurants want to know exact number of guests who come dining, so they do not want the program to automatically update number of guests according to the selected table. In R48, to satisfy this requirement the program defaults number of guests as 0 and allows the program to quickly select number of guests on Assign table window.
Instruction steps:
  • On Management page:
    • Click System settings/General settings, select Purchase/Sale tab. 
    • Click Edit on Sale.
    • Uncheck Automatically display number of guests when selecting table.

  • On the cashier's tablet:
    • Upon selecting a table, the program will default the number of guests as 0.  


1. The international customer wants to know contact of MISA's local representative office where the restaurant is operating for convenience and quick support
Details of change:
 In R48, for the customers who register an account on the website http://register.cukcuk.com/, the program will show contacts of MISA's local representative office so that they can contact and request support when needed.

2. The customer in Myanmar wants to learn about CUKCUK in English on the local website
Details of change: In R48, offer English language for restaurants in Myanmar - http://cukcuk.mm.com/
  • Click the icon  to view website in English.

