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I. Cloud
1. CUKCUK will notify the restaurant of interruption time due to upgrade of the program
2. Only accept minimum 12-month subscription upon purchase/extension of the software

Details of change: From R42 version, when the customer purchases/extends subscription, the program only accepts minimum 12 months.

3. [GERMANY] The manager wants to have a postal code field for the restaurant, guests and suppliers to quickly find
Details of change: Each restaurant in Germany has 1 postal code. The guest can know exactly the location of the restaurant with this code. From R42 version, to satisfy this requirement, add Postal code on restaurant general information settings.
  • Enter Postal code on General information window when getting started with the software.

  • Or enter Postal code on System settings/General information.

II. PC - Sale
1. The cashier wants to apply membership card issued by the restaurant upon checking out and the Manager can follow up bills applying membership card.
Details of change: If the restaurant issues membership card, when the guest dines in the guest will earn points according to the restaurant's policy. Moreover, the guest also can use the earned points to make payment. From R42 version, the program adds Membership card feature to satisfy this demand
  • When getting payment, enter Membership ID as provided by the guest in Card ID, click the icon . (The guest who uses 5FOOD Mobile app is granted 1 Membership ID).

  • If the guest has not been granted membership card yet
    • Enter guest information, click OK.
    • Grant membership card for the guest on CUKCUK 5FOOD Management page.

  • If the guest has been granted membership card, the program will show Apply points window.
    • If the guest only earns point but not spends points upon payment, close Apply points window.

If the guest spends points, enter the spent points on Applied point. Click  OK.

      2. [GERMANY] The manager wants to export file as per the regulation of German Department of Finance
      Details of change: 
      According to German regulation, regularly/suddenly, Department of Finance will come checking report of some restaurants to verify. Verifying information includes restaurant information, restaurant data: Pay-in/Pay-out from business; Financial report; Report on items; Detailed retail. From R42 version, to meet this requirement, the software allows the manager to export file for this verification.
      • Click this icon , select Add.../Export report.

      • Select exported file format.
      • Check Zip the export file if you want to decrease the volume of the export file more convenient for copying and transferring file.
      • Check Set password for zip file and enter password if you want to secure the file.
      • Click OK.

      • Browse folder to save file.
      • Click OK.

