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I. Cloud

1. The restaurant takes reservation from a travel agency. On the menu, many items are priced 0. The manager wants to display such items on report on Bill details in order to manage the sale of such items
2. In Cambodia, the cashier wants to show payment by USD and Riel on Check/Bill so that the guest can select payment by USD or Riel
3. When adding/editing staff, the manager wants staff with management role like accountant, manager, purchase staff to work in multiple restaurants in the chain
II. PC - Sale
1. The owner wants to edit/delete reservation/delivery deposit when it is wrong (At the moment they have MISA edit/delete it)
2. On list of bills, the cashier wants to ascend/descend paid bills to follow up and check upon closing shift so that he/she can know if there are enough bills
3. In the restaurant, the guest usually orders multiple Modifiers for an item. Therefore on the process ticket sent to kitchen/bar, the kitchen/bar staff wants to clarify between the item and its Modifiers (E.g.: Bold or italicize the item)
4. Kitchen/bar staff is usually old (40-50 years old) and well-experienced (only by reading item ID they can know which item to be processed, so they want the process ticket to show item ID
5. Because item name is usually long and difficult to read, the guest normally orders by item ID. Therefore, the guest wants to show item ID on the bill so that they can easily check when making payment
6. Cashier/Waitstaff wants to search guests by ID in order to quickly add guest information
7. The cashier wants to note that the guest wants to take taxed bill for the accountant to issue accordingly
III. Mobile
1. The owner wants to edit/delete reservation/delivery deposit when it is wrong (At the moment they have MISA edit/delete it)
2. Kitchen/bar staff is usually old (40-50 years old) and well-experienced (only by reading item ID they can know which item to be processed, so they want the process ticket to show item ID
3. Because item name is usually long and difficult to read, the guest normally orders by item ID. Therefore, the guest wants to show item ID on the bill so that they can easily check when making payment

I. Cloud

1. The restaurant takes reservation from a travel agency. On the menu, many items are priced 0. The manager wants to display such items on report on Bill details in order to manage the sale of such items
Details of change:
 The restaurant which takes reservation from a travel agency usually offers set menu. Therefore, the owner sets unit price of some items as 0 and add 1 priced item When taking order, the cashier will select items ordered + quantity of set menus. However, when viewing List of bills on the management page the program does not load items priced 0, which causes difficulty in checking report. In R49, when viewing list of bills the program will show items priced 0.

  • When viewing Bill details, the program will show items priced 0.

2. In Cambodia, the cashier wants to show payment by USD and Riel on Check/Bill so that the guest can select payment by USD or Riel
Details of change: 
In Cambodia, the restaurants which serve both domestic and foreign guests accept payment by USD or Riel. In R49 version, to satisfy this requirement the program adds Exchanged currency settings, allowing the guest to make payment by either of selected currency.
Instruction steps:
  • Click System settings/General settings.
  • On Currency part, click Edit.
  • Select exchanged currency and exchange rate.

  • Click Save.
  • When the cashier prints bill, 2 selected currencies will be shown on the bill.

3. When adding/editing staff, the manager wants staff with management role like accountant, manager, purchase staff to work in multiple restaurants in the chain
Details of change: In R49, the manager to assign a staff to work in multiple restaurants in the chain (Only applicable to Management role, NOT Sale role)
Instruction steps:
When adding/editing staff information, it is possible to assign staff to work in multiple restaurants in a chain as follows:
  • Click Restaurant chain.
  • Click Utilities/Staff.
  • When adding/editing staff information, select the restaurant and role accordingly.

II. PC - Sale
1. The owner wants to edit/delete reservation/delivery deposit when it is wrong (At the moment they have MISA edit/delete it)
Details of change: When the guest makes reservation and places deposit, the cashier will recognize this amount on the program. However, in some cases the cashier recognizes wrong deposit and cannot edit/delete the recognized amount. In R49, the program allows to edit/delete deposit pay-in note.
View how to edit/delete deposit here.
  • If the owner wants the cashier to edit/delete deposit, proceed with settings on System settings/General settings, Purchase/Sale tab.

2. On list of bills, the cashier wants to ascend/descend paid bills to follow up and check upon closing shift so that he/she can know if there are enough bills
Details of change: 
In some restaurants, in the end of a working day the cashier needs to collect all bills and sort it ascending or descending. Then he/she checks and hands over to the accountant in the next morning. However, currently the program does not allow the cashier to sort bills, which makes it difficult to check. In R49, the program allows the cashier to sort bills in order to facilitate his/her checking.
  • When viewing list of bills, click the column Bill number to sort. 

3. In the restaurant, the guest usually orders multiple Modifiers for an item. Therefore on the process ticket sent to kitchen/bar, the kitchen/bar staff wants to clarify between the item and its Modifiers (E.g.: Bold or italicize the item)
Details of change:
 In some restaurants, an item usually has multiple modifiers (for example, beef steak is cooked rare, medium or well-done). However on the process ticket, the kitchen/bar has difficulty in distinguishing between the item and its modifiers. In R49, the program adds settings Allow the cashier to set font type of the item (bold or italic) on the process ticket, which helps the kitchen/bar easily realize the item.
Instruction steps:
  • On Printer and template settings/Printer and template settings for kitchen/bar, click Template settings corresponding to the printer.

  • On Content part, click B to set Bold the item on the process ticket.

  • Click OK.
4. Kitchen/bar staff is usually old (40-50 years old) and well-experienced (only by reading item ID they can know which item to be processed, so they want the process ticket to show item ID
Details of change: 
In some restaurants, item name is long and difficult to remember. The staff usually sees item ID to process. However, the process ticket only shows item name. In R49, the program allows to display item name or item ID or both on the ticket.
Instruction steps:
  • On Printer and template settings/Printer and template settings for kitchen/bar, click Template settings corresponding to the printer.

  • On Content part, check Display item name, item ID or both on the process ticket.

  • Click OK.
5. Because item name is usually long and difficult to read, the guest normally orders by item ID. Therefore, the guest wants to show item ID on the bill so that they can easily check when making payment
Details of change: In some restaurants, the guest usually orders items by ID because their name is long and difficult to remember. The guest wants to show item ID on the bill in order to easily check upon making payment. In R49, to satisfy this requirement the program allows to show item name, item ID or both on the bill.
Instruction steps:
  • On Printer and template settings/Printer and template settings for cashier, nhấn Template settings.

  • Click tab Content, On Content, check Display item name, item ID or both on the process ticket.

  • Click OK.
6. Cashier/Waitstaff wants to search guests by ID in order to quickly add guest information
Details of change: 
In R49, the program allows the cashier to enter ID to search guests on the windows Check out, enter delivery information, reservation, debit.

7. The cashier wants to note that the guest wants to take taxed bill for the accountant to issue accordingly
Details of change:
 Some restaurants issue taxed bill for guests. In peak time, the restaurant cannot issue taxed bill immediately, so they will provide later. In R49, the program allows the cashier to note information on taxed bill for the accountant to issue later.
Instruction steps: 
  • On Check out window, click Other/Guest takes taxed bill.

  • Enter information on taxed bill, click Save.

  • If the guest changes their mind and does not take taxed bill, uncheck The guest takes taxed bill.

III. Mobile
1. The owner wants to edit/delete reservation deposit when it is wrong (At the moment they have MISA edit/delete it)
Details of change: When the guest makes reservation and places deposit, the cashier will recognize this amount on the program. However, in some cases the cashier recognizes wrong deposit and cannot edit/delete the recognized amount. In R49, the program allows to edit/delete deposit pay-in note.
View how to edit/delete deposit here.
  • If the owner wants the cashier to edit/delete deposit, proceed with settings on System settings/General settings, Purchase/Sale tab.

2. Kitchen/bar staff is usually old (40-50 years old) and well-experienced (only by reading item ID they can know which item to be processed, so they want the process ticket to show item ID
Details of change: In some restaurants, item name is long and difficult to remember. The staff usually sees item ID to process. However, the process ticket only shows item name. In R49, the program allows to display item name or item ID or both on the ticket.
Instruction steps:
  • On Printer and template settings/Printer and template settings for kitchen/bar, click Template settings corresponding to the printer.
  • On Content, check Display item name, item ID or both on the process ticket.

  • Click OK.

3. Because item name is usually long and difficult to read, the guest normally orders by item ID. Therefore, the guest wants to show item ID on the bill so that they can easily check when making payment
Details of change: In some restaurants, the guest usually orders items by ID because their name is long and difficult to remember. The guest wants to show item ID on the bill in order to easily check upon making payment. In R49, to satisfy this requirement the program allows to show item name, item ID or both on the bill.
Instruction steps:
  • On Printer and template settings/Printer and template settings for cashier, click Template settings.
  • Click Content tab, on Content part, check Display item name, item ID or both on the process ticket.

  • Click OK.
